Caught Out
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Here is my 1st ever piece of fan fiction
I hope you like it!

This is one of my favorite images
Its Simone Lahbib in Badgirls

As her cell door swung open, followed with the words “WADE GET UP”, Nikki was pissed off, due to the fact how all the prison staff were treating the inmates on G-Wing, Fenner being one of the worst, he would generally go round the wing looking to cause arguments with the inmates.

Nikki often wondered what his motives were, she had her ideas but couldn’t be sure.

Nikki had only been awake a few moments before she heard a familiar knock on her cell door, without thinking Nikki came out with the words “morning gorgeous” only to realize it wasn’t Helen, it was Dockley.

“Thanks I always knew you fancied me”, Dockley laughed,

“Expecting someone else was you dyke”?

Dockley snapped,

“Piss off,” Nikki replied in a tone she only used with her and Fenner.

“So what’s going on with you and Miss Stewart”? Shell asked, not holding her breath for a straight answer,

“Wouldn’t you like to know” Nikki replied with a look that intrigued Shell,

“So why don’t you tell me, before I let the whole wing know what I think”, Shell replied.

“No chance” Nikki said, but you could enlighten me about what is going on between yourself and Mr Fenner, couldn’t you Shell?

“Why, what you heard?”

Well let’s just put it this way, Nikki began to say, you should watch your back where you and Fenner are concerned, because one day your going to be caught out and your are going to be in deep shit, and your “Jim” will loose his job, and this my sweet may happen sooner than you think!!

“Bitch” Shell squealed, “you can’t prove nothing” before storming out the cell, heading towards the dining area.

Nikki started to get ready and head down to breakfast herself, she was starving, due to the fact she missed tea the day before because she had, Had so much to do in the prison gardens that day, but most of it was done now, she only had a few more seeds to sow, and weeds to pull out, so now she could have a little relaxation time to herself, even if it only consisted of reading a few books, and dreaming about her favorite pastime………Helen.

Nikki often thought if she would ever get out of larkhall, she wanted so much to be with Helen, to just touch her without needing to look to see if it was safe, or to look to see if the door was shut behind them, so that no one suspected anything.

Nikki had little hope about her appeal, and was surprised to see how much Helen had, Helen tended to hide her feelings more than Nikki, but inside she longed to tell Nikki how much she cared about her, how much she loved her even though she couldn’t show her, at least not in the environment she was in anyway.

They had to be so careful about anything they said of did together, so that it wouldn’t raise suspicion with the screws and other inmates.

Whilst Nikki was in her thinking mode she had come up with an idea of how to set Shell and Fenner up, so Shell would get shipped out, and Fenner would loose his job at Larkhall for good, but it needed a bit more thought yet and some help from Helen.

Meanwhile, Helen had a very rough night, she’d been out on the town celebrating Dominic’s birthday and had one too many red bull and vodkas.

She woke up with a really bad headache, her car was playing up, and she was late for work as it was.

Helen managed only to be an hour or so late, and Simon Stubberfield was very sympathetic due to his hang over as well, he had just left the club before Helen, due to his taxi coming first, he offered it Helen but she didn’t mind waiting because she still had half her drink left.

Even though she felt not at her best, she still had to catch up with her paper work which she had got behind on, the main reason being Nikki, every time she started her work, thoughts of Nikki would come into her mind and make her concentrate on nothing else but her.

It was taking over her life, but she liked it, she liked it so much that she was beginning to spend every spare moment she had with Nikki, she was like a drug that Helen had to keep having a taste of, and if she didn’t within a couple of hours Helen would go mad, and start having a go at the other prison officers for no reason at all, she couldn’t control herself, she was going crazy over love.

After finishing her paperwork Helen made her way to Nikki’s cell, she started to feel a little better now that she’d finished the reports she had to do, and could now have a few minutes alone with Nikki.

Nikki was sitting on her bed reading a book when Helen walked in, she shut the cell door and made her way towards Nikki’s bed and sat close to Nikki.

“Hello” Nikki said to Helen with a wicked smile,

But Helen, without a word took Nikki’s hands in her own and led her into a long passionate kiss full of urgency and need.

“I’ve missed you so much” Helen said, just coming out of the kiss.

“I know Helen, I’m going mad in here when your not close to me” Nikki said close to tears.

“Well, its only two days until your appeal and you have a very strong case your solicitor seems to think”.

Yes, but what do you think Helen? Is this a waste of time, or do I have a chance at all?

“Well, put it this way I don’t think I’ll be going home to an empty bed for much longer” Helen said with a look of excitement in her eyes.

“Why” Nikki replied, have you taken Sean back?

“Very funny Nikki” Helen laughed.

Look I’ve got to go, I can’t sit around here all day just looking a pretty sight, can I?

“You can for me Helen”, but wait a minute, will you just let me run something past you?

Sure, what is it?

Well, Nikki began, I’ve got an idea how you can catch Shell and Fenner out, interested?

“Carry on” Helen urged?

Ok, the two Julies overheard them talking about having a little one on one together tomorrow in the art room at 1 o’clock whilst everyone else is having lunch, so can’t you and Mr Stubberfield accidentally walk in on them tomorrow?

Good idea Nikki, your not just a pretty face are you?

“Certainly not” Nikki smiled.

I’ll ask Simon for a meeting at 12:30 in my office whilst lunch is being served, the meeting will take around half an hour, then I will ask him to go look at some paintings with me that some of the inmates have done in the art room which deserve some kind of reward, does that sound ok?

“That sounds excellent” Nikki replied.

Listen, I’ve got to go now Helen replied, I’ve got a meeting in half an hour which I must prepare for, so with one last kiss together Helen left the cell.

For the rest of the day and the next morning, Nikki finished off the garden. It looked great now and everything was coming into bloom.

If Nikki got out she was going to miss the prison garden so much, because she had spent most of her free time there.

Nikki wondered what Helens garden looked like, if it was big or small, or if she had one at all, or if she would ever get to see it.

It was time for lunch and everyone lined up for dinner,

Nikki scanned the room and noticed no Shell or Fenner,

“what a surprise” Nikki thought.

Nikki took a seat next to the two Julie’s who were looking at some pictures of their kids, when they noticed Jim Fenner and Shell Dockley with their belongings being escorted by Miss Stewart, to Simon Stubberfields main office.

“I wonder what that’s all about,” asked the two Julie’s,

“I’ll give you one guess,” replied Nikki.

As soon as Nikki had said that, the two Julie’s remembered what they had told her a few days before.

“You didn’t” the Julie’s laughed,

“I certainly did,” they deserved everything they got,

“stupid bastards,” Nikki added whilst letting out a laugh.

Nikki noticed Helen re-enter the dining area and called her over to their table,

“Miss Stewart,” Nikki said with concern, what’s happened to Mr Fenner and Shell?

Well… Helen began as everyone else in the dinner hall pulled their chairs around to where Helen was standing, so they could listen also.

It seems as though they have been having an illegal relationship for some time now, and they were found out today by myself and Mr Stubberfield due to them being found together in the art room in an embarrassing situation.

This has given me no choice but to sack Mr Fenner and have Shell Dockley to be shipped out at the end of the day.

“So excuse me if you would” I must go sort out this mess,

With everyone in fits of cheers and laughter due to the good news, Helen made her way back to her office, but as she was walking out she turned and gave a thank full glistening smile at Nikki and gazed straight in to her eyes, and mouthed “I’ll see you later”.

Nikki smiled back and quickly finished her dinner.

Just before lock up Helen walked into Nikki’s cell, shut the door, and headed straight for Nikki who was lying on her bed asleep,

Helen had around half an hour spare before her shift ended, so she thought she would spent it with the person she loved the most.

Helen kissed Nikki on the lips softly, and Nikki started to stir and slowly wake.

“I bet you didn’t think I was coming, did you”? Helen whispered

“No I’d thought you been tied up” Nikki replied,

“Well I’m here now, for your attention only” Helen said with a smile.

How are you feeling about the appeal tomorrow Nikki?

Well I have some hope, but I wish it were all over now, Nikki said.

“Helen” Nikki said,

“What?” Helen replied

Nikki started to cry and pushed herself further in to Helens arms,

“I’m so scared Helen, what if they don’t let me out? I can’t bear being away from you for much longer, I love you so much it hurts”

“I love you too Nikki, but we’ll discuss that if the worst comes to the worst, ok?

“Ok” Nikki replied after a sniffle.

Listen Nikki, I’ll do everything I can to get you out I promise,

Helen pushed Nikki back on the bed, kissed her and said “the next time I wake up after your appeal if you win tomorrow, I want to wake in your arms, is that a deal”?

“Try and stop me,” Nikki said with a great big smile.

With one last sensual kiss Helen left Nikki to get a good nights sleep.

It was the morning of the appeal and neither Helen, or Nikki had slept a wink.

Helen was going to meet Nikki at the court, and sit out of sight so no suspicion was raised.

As Nikki rose as her name was called, she had butterflies in her stomach.

This was it, the moment of truth; this was the moment she would know if all her dreams could come true, and Helens.

“Nicola Wade the court began”

Nikki felt sick, she wished they would just hurry up and tell her if she was free to go.

“Due to the new evidence received, we have no option, but to congratulate you in winning your appeal”

Nikki didn’t believe what they had just told her,

“Will you repeat what you’ve just said please?

“Yes Miss Wade” you’re free to go!

“Free at last” Nikki thought,

She looked around for Helen but could see no sight of her, Nikki asked her solicitor if she had seen Miss Stewart.

“No” she replied, but I believe there is someone in the court car park by that name she said with a smile.

Within no time at all Nikki had thanked all the people she had to and made her way to the car park.

Nikki’s eyes searched the car park until she noticed a very sexy young lady with a big bunch of flowers,

Nikki slowly walked towards her realizing it was Helen.

Well within seconds Nikki was in Helens arms,

“See I told you it would be fine” Helen said with the biggest smile Nikki had ever seen.

“I love you so much”, Nikki said before kissing Helen hard and slow.

“I love you too, so why don’t you get in the car and let me show you how much” Helen replied,

“Gladly” Nikki smiled.

As they approached Helens house Nikki felt so happy she couldn’t stop smiling, neither could Helen.

As they got to the door Helen said to Nikki “welcome to home sweet home”,

Helen turned the key in the door, and took hold of Nikki’s hand and led her inside.

It was lovely, just as Nikki had imagined it, but now she was really there, with Helen the woman she had adored ever since the first time she had seen her.

They kissed and walked towards the stairs in a heat of passion,

Suddenly Helen felt herself being lifted from the ground by Nikki in her arms, to the words of “Helen where’s your cell? You’re my prisoner now”

Helen let out a big smile that showed desire and need, and led Nikki to her bedroom.

The End